Current Issue

Issue: 30, 11/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

Book Review

MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences started its publication life in 2010 under the Social Sciences Institute of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (MSFAU) with the aim of mediating and disseminating academic-scientific knowledge in all fields where humanities and social sciences can come into contact, and creating a basis for new research.

Our journal, which was published with articles written in different themes until the spring issue of 2013, has been published thematically since that issue in line with a focus determined according to the intersection fields of academic disciplines.

MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences is a national peer-reviewed journal published twice a year and has been indexed in the TUBITAK-ULAKBIM TR DIZIN database since 2018.

A theme is determined for each issue of the journal and a theme editor is appointed who is an expert in their field. In the selection of the theme, which is determined by the joint decision of the Editorial Board, attention is paid to follow current academic issues and thus, an effective ground is tried to be provided for new discussions.

MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences, as an academic medium that favours open access and circulation of information, undertakes to adhere to international open access principles and to apply the schemes of international publication ethical principles, especially in refereeing processes.

1. Manuscripts should be written in Windows Word programme, Times or Times New Roman characters with font size 12, and 1.5 line spacing.

2. The length of the articles should not exceed eight thousand words.

3. The titles of the manuscripts should be written in bold and aligned to the left. The first character of the titles should be capitalized.

4. The names of the authors should be in bold and justified under the title, and the surname of the author should be written in capital letters. The author's title, department, institution and e-mail information should be given by adding a footnote to the end of the author's name. As of 2019, all authors must have an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number and it must be given in the author information footnote. (It should be written after the referee process is completed. The first version of the study sent via DergiPark should not contain personal information and the study should be uploaded as a word document)

5. The abstract for original articles in Turkish should be given under the title of "Öz", not exceeding 150 words. All articles should be also submitted with an abstract in English. The abstract in English should be under the title of "Abstract" and should not exceed 150 words. First, the Turkish and the English title of the article, the Turkish abstract should be presented, and then 3 to 5 keywords should be written. English abstract and keywords should be added below them. Abstract and Keywords should comply with international standards.

6. Footnotes are used only for additional information, not for reference. Footnotes should be numbered at the bottom of the page and written in font size 12 and single line spacing.

7. If the direct quotation in the manuscript exceeds 40 words, that is, if there is a “block quote”, it should be shown as a differentiated paragraph from the main manuscript. The block quote is written with a 1.25 cm indent from the right and left, in font size 11, and at the end of the quote, reference is made to the source in parentheses.

8. If the manuscripts contain figures, tables, pictures, etc., they should be placed in the relevant place by leaving a space between the manuscript from the top and the bottom. Images, which are prepared by computer, should be used as much as possible, and they should be placed in the text as “tiff” or “jpg” scanned with a minimum 600 dpi resolution with a scanner. Pictures should be numbered consecutively. A short description with its number should be written under each picture, centered.

9. The rules specified in the Publication Manual of APA (2020) published by the American Psychological Association (APA) should be used for in -text citations and in the bibliography (except for the indication of ancient sources).

10. Examples of in-text citation and bibliography in accordance with the APA are given below. Examples of showing ancient sources are also included below.

11. The appendices of the manuscript should be given after the bibliography, with each appendix on a separate page.

APA Referencing Examples
Basic Citation Formats

(First reference in manuscript) (References after the first reference in the manuscript) (First reference in parentheses) (References after the first reference in parentheses)

One author
Işık (1998) Işık (1998) (Işık, 1998, p. 36) (Işık, 1998, p. 36)

Two authors
Grazer and Fishman (2015) Grazer and Fishman (2015) (Grazer & Fishman, 2015, p. 107) (Grazer & Fishman, 2015, p. 107)

Three-five authors
Keng, Lin and Orazem (2017) Keng et al. (2017) (Keng, Lin & Orazem, 2017, p. 72) (Keng et al., 2017, p. 72)

Six and more authors
Bay et al. (2017) Bay et al. (2017) (Bay et al., 2017, p. 61) (Bay et al., 2017, p. 61)

Abbreviations for institutions
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB, 2002) MEB (2002) (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB], 2002) (MEB, 2002)

Bibliography Section

Book in Turkish
Emre, I. (1998). Beden ve toplum kuramı. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.

Book Translated into Turkish
Books Ariès, P. (2015). Batıda ölümün tarihi (I. Gürbüz, Çev.). İstanbul: Everest Yayınları.

Edited Book
Bahar, M. (Ed.). (2006). Fen ve teknoloji öğretimi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.

Book in English
Smith, Z. (2016). Swing time. New York: Penguin Press.

Chapter in a book written in English
Gülgöz, S. (2005). Five factor theory and NEO-PI-R in Turkey. In J. Allik & R. R. McCrae (Eds.), The five-factor model of personality across cultures (pp. 175-196). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Chapter in a book written in Turkish
Uysal, Ş. (1971). Metodoloji açısından Türkiye’de yapılan sosyolojik araştırmalar ve bir örnek köy araştırması. N. H. Fişek (Ed.), Türkiye’de sosyal araştırmaların gelişimi içinde (ss. 139-151). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları.

Turkish Article
Ünal, N. (2001). Hastane infeksiyonları ve hastane tasarımı: yoğun bakımların tasarımı. Hastane İnfeksiyonları Dergisi, 1 (5), ss. 183-194.

English Article
Articles LaSalle, P. (2017). Conundrum: a story about reading. New England Review, no. 1 (38), pp. 95–109.

Online Article
Çevikalp, M. (2012). Kars’ın saklı yüzü: Malakanlar. Aksiyon. 10.06.2015 tarihinde adresinden edinilmiştir.

Thesis written in Turkish
Cihan, M. (2001). Spinoza felsefesinde varlık ve bilgi problemi (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum.

Dissertation written in English
Rutz, C.L. (2013). King Lear and its folktale analogues (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). University of Chicago, Chicago.

Ancient Sources
Diod. (= Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheke Historike)
Translation: Diodorus of Sicily. With an English translation by R. M. Geer. London, New York 1947 (The Loeb Classical Library).

Hdt. (Herodotos, Historiai)
Translation: Herodot Tarihi. Çev. M. Ökmen. İstanbul 1973 (Remzi Kitabevi).


For details of APA style, refer to:


MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences adopts the "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) in order to create ethical assurance in scientific periodicals. MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences complies with international standards as per the TR Index criteria. All editors of the journal make sure that each research is approved by the relevant boards and commissions before the research, and the issue editor requests the necessary documents from the author.

Notes for Referees

1. The referee should take into account the "International Ethical Standards" of the Publication Ethics Committee in line with the guidance of TR Index during the evaluation process of the articles.

2. The referee has the right to request ethics committee approval from the author for research that requires ethics committee permission, to indicate this approval in the relevant sections of the article and to send the relevant documents to the journal. The referee should make sure that the process related to these requests is carried out by the editor.

3. In studies that require ethics committee approval, information about permission should be included in the article.

4. If the criteria of the Publication Ethics Committee are not fulfilled by the authors, the referee has the right to request from the editor to withdraw the manuscript (even if it has previously been approved).

5. The referee must make sure that the copyright regulations are strictly respected for the intellectual and artistic works used in the research and transferred to the article. They have the right to make all kinds of demands from the authors in order to fulfill this requirement.

6. The referee is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality between the author and the editor during or after the article evaluation and publication process. The referee is responsible for any breach of confidentiality that is not caused by the authors and editors. In such cases, the editor's authority to dismiss the referee is reserved.

Notes for Authors

1. The author is obliged to take into account the international standards set by the Publication Ethics Commission for authors.

2. The author should receive ethics committee approval for research in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval, should state this approval in the article and, document and forward it to the journal editor. The author is obliged to fulfill the requests of the editors and referees regarding these permissions. Otherwise, the editor's right to withdraw the article from publication is reserved.

3. It is absolutely necessary to comply with the copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used in the research and transferred to the article.

4. The author is obliged to maintain confidentiality between the author and the referee during or after the article evaluation and publication process. The author is responsible for any breach of confidentiality that is not caused by the editor and the referees.

Notes for Editors

1. The editor is obliged to take into account the "International Standards for Editors" determined by the Publication Ethics Commission.

2. The editor should request ethics committee approval from the author for research in all disciplines that require ethics committee permission, and make sure that this approval is stated in the relevant parts of the article and that the relevant documents are delivered to the journal.

3. If the criteria of the Publication Ethics Committee are not fulfilled by the authors, the editor has the right to withdraw the article from publication (even if it is approved by the referees).

4. The editor should make sure that the copyright regulations are strictly respected for the intellectual and artistic works used in the research and transferred to the article. They have the right to make all kinds of demands from the authors in order to fulfill this requirement.

5. The editor is obliged to maintain confidentiality between the author and the referee during or after the article evaluation and publication process. The editor is responsible for any breach of confidentiality that is not caused by the author and referees.


1. MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences is a national peer-reviewed journal published twice a year.

2. Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must be original scientific articles, research, reviews, field reviews, translations, book reviews/criticisms, and conversations that will contribute to the field.

3. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be in Turkish or English.

4. Manuscripts are sent to the referees after the preliminary evaluation of the editorial board. In the evaluation process of the manuscripts, the "blind refereeing" is applied.

5. Before the peer-review process is started, the “originality report” of the articles sent to the journal is obtained from Turnitin. In cases where the “similarity rate” is 20% or more, the articles are directly rejected and the refereeing process is not started. After the “originality report” is provided, the manuscripts are sent to the referees.

6. In the evaluation process of the manuscripts, international ethical principles determined by the Publication Ethics Commission are taken as a basis in cases where scientific publication ethics (such as abuse, conflict of interest, copyright violations) are violated.

7. MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences adheres to international open access principles for the dissemination of academic knowledge in order to provide social benefit. It is accepted that the articles published in the journal after the peer-review process can be used within the framework of international open access definitions.

8. All authors whose manuscripts and articles are published in the journal accept open source access.

9. An expert theme editor is determined for each issue. Theme editors undertake the publication ethics responsibilities defined for journal editors from the stage of the call for the article until the issue is published.

10. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should use the APA reference system.

11. The scientific and linguistic responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors.

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